welcom2 #cookinwifrabbits we'll b makin @the_beardoctor's secret Sambal Badjak, a spicy chili condiment!! #cooking
Commentswe'll need deep fried onions, chili paste, sugar, sweet soy sauce, fried garlic, ketcup & a few other secret ingredients! #cookinwifrabbits
Commentszackary: RUFUS, stand BACK!! we're heatin da chili paste.. it's HOT!!!! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking
Commentsmix on low heat to prevent burning da house down. also, it might sting ur eyes. #cookinwifrabbits #cooking
CommentsZackary: Rufus! can you get the ketchup out of the fridge!! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking
CommentsRufus: I... *huff* got .. *gasp* the .. ketchup!! *groan* Zackary: what took u so long?!! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking
CommentsZackary: melt in brown sugar.. then mix in da fried onions.. den da sweet soy sauce! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking
CommentsZackary: let sit off heat 4 da onions2 soften.heat& add spices & stuff.. #cookinwifrabbits #cooking Rufus: SMELLS SPICY!! MY EYES!!
Commentsspicy chili condiment dat can b used w/ steaks, roasts, soups, veggie dishes or even as a marinade. ENJOY! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking